王伟 黄燕滨 徐可可
(装甲兵工程学院,北京 100072)
Study on Galvanic Corrosion in Cyclic Wet-dry Immersion Test of 7A52 Aluminium Alloy
WANG Wei HUANG Yan-bin XU Ke-ke
(Academy of Armored Forces Engineering,Beijing 100072;)
Abstract: In this paper, The galvanic corrosion of 7A52 in after cyclic wet-dry immersion is been studied. We have studied 38CrSi and 5A06 that often been used arrange in pairs or groups with 7A52 .The galvanic current and galvanic voltage of two different materials is been tested. We have studied the surface of samples after corrosion use SEM. We can get that in cyclic wet-dry immersion , the structure of corrosion product is loose and more gap , the corrosion rate is more serious.
Key words:7A52; galvanic corrosion;cyclic wet-dry immersion test
投稿联系:刘娟 电话:010-82387968-807
QQ: 2850329508 邮箱:liujuan@ecorr.org
中国腐蚀与防护网官方 QQ群:140808414

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