(北京科技大学腐蚀与防护中心,北京 100083)
Stress Corrosion Cracking Of E690 High Strength Steel In Alterating Wet-Dry Environments
Hao Wenkui,Liu Zhiyong,Li Xiaogang2),Du Cuiwei,Wu Wei,Qian Hongchang
( China Corrosion and Protection Center,University of Science and Technology Beijing,Beijing 100083)
Abstract:The exploitation of natural resource mostly deposited in the ocean had played an important role in the many nations recently. Marine resource utilization was popular in these years and underneath oil was available through off-shore platforms. In recent years, the oil and natural gas in shallow waters and reasonably benign environments have been largely depleted, and the oil and gas industries have been compelled to move into more challenging environments such as deeper waters and harsher metocean conditions. Steels used in deep sea applications or harsh marine environment for constructing offshore platform need to have mechanical properties that exceed those commonly used in construction. It is necessary to enhance strength, toughness, anti-fatigue, anti-lamellar tearing, weldability, cold formability, and corrosion resistance for development of these steels. Currently, the low carbon bainite steel is a new kind of multi-use steel with high strength and toughness, So it is gradually taking place of ferrite and pearlite as the offshore platform steel. At present, 690MPa high strength steel grade is the highest strength grade of low carbon bainite steels by applied off-shore platforms. However, the low carbon bainite steel may corrode and stress corrosion cracking (SCC) in the harsher metocean conditions, restricts the development of ocean engineering.
The corrosion and especially SCC problems are considered to be the most important factors leading to structural degradation of off-shore platforms and many other types of steel structures. The SCC has a harmful consequence from the point of view of safety and can lead to brittle fracture and unstable failure, with little or no warning. These failures can imply a risk of loss of human lives, a risk of polluting the environment and huge economic losses. But the SCC behavior and mechanism for the low carbon bainite steel with high strength has not been adequately investigated.
In the present paper, Electrochemical corrosion behavior and the sensitivity, mechanism and the mode of crack propagation of stress corrosion cracking of E690 high strength steel in marine alternating wet-dry environments was investigated by electrochemical technologies and the set up by oneself of constant load test method. Results show that the extension of the time not only enhanced the cathode current density and reduced the anode current density, but also influenced resistance of corrosion in alternating wet-dry environments. E690 high strength steel in alternating wet-dry environments was serious corrosion and sensitivite to stress corrosion cracking. The SCC mechanism was a mixture of anodic dissolution and hydrogen-induced cracking (HIC) in terms of transgranular fracture. Fe3O4 was the main corrosion product and α-FeOOH、β-FeOOH、γ-FeOOH、FeOCl was also produced of E690 high strength steel in alternating wet-dry environments. The electrochemical corrosion behavior and stress corrosion cracking of E690 high strength steel in alternating wet-dry environments was influenced by the structure and species of the rust layer. The stress corrosion cracking of E690 steel were promoted by the enrichment of Cl- in the inner corrosion products. Cr contributed to the formation of a dense rust layer, reduced the uniform corrosion.
Key words:alternating wet-dry,high strength steel,stress corrosion cracking,electrochemistry <javascript:void(0);>,ocean
投稿联系:刘娟 电话:010-82387968-807
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