作者:周鹏远, 刘洪喜, 张晓伟, 郝轩弘, 王悦怡, 陈林
昆明理工大学材料科学与工程学院 昆明 650093;
0 前言
1 轻质高熵合金设计
表1 轻质高熵合金主元元素及其相关参数
Table1 Principal elements and relevant parameters of light-weight high-entropy alloy
2 轻质高熵合金的制备
3 轻质高熵合金的结构特征
图1 AlFeCuCrMgx 系轻质高熵合金的XRD图和Mg含量与VEC的关系图[30]
Fig.1 XRD pattern and relationship between Mg content and VEC of AlFeCuCrMgx light-weight high-entropy alloy [30]
图2 AlNbTiVZrx 的背散射图像[38]
Fig.2 Backscatter image of AlNbTiVZrx [38]
图3 (Li 0.55Mg0.45)Zn20Ca20 Sr20Yb20 的DSC曲线[40]
Fig.3 DSC curve of(Li 0.55Mg0.45)Zn20Ca20 Sr20Yb20 [40]
表2 部分轻质高熵合金的密度、经验参数、制备工艺以及相组成
Table2 Density, parameters, preparation process and phase composition of some light-weight high-entropy alloys
4 轻质高熵合金的性能
图4 AlCoCrFeNi在不同应变速率下的断裂强度和屈服强度随变形温度的变化[49]
Fig.4 Changes of fracture strength and yield strength of AlCoCrFeNi with deformation temperature at different strain rates [49]
表3 部分轻质高熵合金的力学性能
Table3 Mechanical properties of light-weight high-entropy alloys
Note:σ0.2 represents the yield strength; σp represents the fracture strength; ε represents the plastic strain;-represents the data unreported.
图5 AlFeMnSi使用0.167mV/s电位扫描率收集的动电位极化曲线和在0.6mol/L NaCl溶液中的波特图[53]
Fig.5 Potentiodynamic polarization curves of AlFeMnSi and 304stainless steel collected using a potential scanning rate of 0.167mV/s, and Bode plot of AlFeMnSi and 304stainless steel in 0.6mol/L NaCl solution [53]
图6 Al20Be20Fe10 Si15Ti35 的氧化曲线[28]
Fig.6 Oxidation curve of Al20Be20Fe10 Si15Ti35 [28]
图7 AlTiVCr 900℃氧化后的SEM和EDS图[55]
Fig.7 SEM and EDS diagrams of AlTiVCr oxidized at 900℃ [55]
5 结论与展望
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