编号 |
中文名称 |
GB/T 12754-2006 |
彩色涂层钢板及钢带 |
FZ/T 01003-1991 |
涂层织物厚度试验方法 |
FZ/T 01004-2008 |
涂层织物 抗渗水性的测定 |
FZ/T 01006-2008 |
涂层织物 涂层厚度的测定 |
FZ/T 01007-2008 |
涂层织物 耐低温性的测定 |
FZ/T 01008-2008 |
涂层织物 耐热空气老化性的测定 |
FZ/T 01010-1991 |
涂层织物涂层粘附强度测定方法 |
FZ/T 01011-1991 |
涂层织物耐磨性能测定方法 |
FZ/T 01052-1998 |
涂层织物 抗扭曲弯挠性能的测定 |
FZ/T 01063-2008 |
涂层织物 抗粘连性的测定 |
FZ/T 01065-2008 |
涂层及涂料染色和印花织物耐有机溶剂性的测定 |
FZ/T 01066-1999 |
涂层织物耐沾污性测定方法 |
FZ/T 75002-1993 |
涂层织物光加速老化试验方法氙弧法 |
FZ/T 75004-1993 |
涂层织物伸长和拉伸永久变形试验方法 |
FZ/T 75005-1994 |
涂层织物在无张力下尺寸变化的测定 |
FZ/T 75007-1995 |
涂层织物湿热空气加速老化试验方法 |
FZ/T 75008-1995 |
涂层织物缝孔撕破强度试验方法 |
GB 14443-2007 |
涂装作业安全规程 涂层烘干室安全技术规定 |
GB 8771-2007 |
铅笔涂层中可溶性元素最大限量 |
GB/T 11374-1989 |
热喷涂涂层厚度的无损测量方法 |
GB/T 11982.2-1996 |
聚氯乙烯卷材地板第2部分:有基材有背涂层聚氯乙烯卷材地板 |
GB/T 13448-2006 |
彩色涂层钢板及钢带试验方法 |
GB/T 14826-1993 |
色漆涂层粉化程度的测定方法及评定 |
GB/T 16935.3-2005 |
低压系统内设备的绝缘配合 第3部分:利用涂层、罐封和模压进行防污保护 |
GB/T 17456-1998 |
球墨铸铁管外表面喷锌涂层 |
GB/T 17459-1998 |
球墨铸铁管沥青涂层 |
GB/T 1766-1995 |
色漆和清漆涂层老化的评级方法 |
GB/T 18681-2002 |
热喷涂低压等离子喷涂镍-钴-铬-铝-钇-钽合金涂层 |
GB/T 18684-2002 |
锌铬涂层技术条件 |
GB/T 19823-2005 |
热喷涂工程零件热喷涂涂层的应用步骤 |
GB/T 20831-2007 |
电工钢片(带)层间绝缘涂层温度特性测试方法 |
GB/T 21073-2007 |
环氧涂层七丝预应力钢绞线 |
GB/T 2522-2007 |
电工钢片(带)表面绝缘电阻、涂层附着性测试方法 |
GB/T 4689.20-1996 |
皮革涂层粘着牢度测定方法 |
GB/T 5267.2-2002 |
紧固件非电解锌片涂层 |
GB/T 6843-1986 |
感光材料涂层熔点测定方法 |
GB/T 9265-1988 |
建筑涂料涂层耐碱性的测定 |
GB/T 9266-1988 |
建筑涂料涂层耐洗刷性的测定 |
GB/T 9272-2007 |
色漆和清漆 通过测量干涂层密度测定涂料的不挥发物体积分数 |
GB/T 9276-1996 |
涂层自然气候曝露试验方法 |
GB/T 9780-2005 |
建筑涂料涂层耐沾污性试验方法 |
HG/T 2095-1991 |
涂层尿素 |
HG/T 2471-2001 |
电解槽金属阳极涂层 |
JB/T 10394.3-2002 |
涂装设备通用技术条件 第3部分:涂层 |
JB/T 10458-2004 |
机械设备抗高温氧化涂层 技术条件 |
JB/T 10580-2006 |
热喷涂涂层命名方法 |
JB/T 10619-2006 |
无铬锌铝涂层 技术条件 |
JB/T 10621-2006 |
带钢连续热镀锌沉没辊及稳定辊热喷涂层 技术条件 |
JB/T 3578-2007 |
滑动导轨环氧涂层材料 技术通则 |
JB/T 3579-2007 |
环氧涂层滑动导轨 通用技术条件 |
JB/T 6075-1992 |
氮化钛涂层 金相检验方法 |
JB/T 7501-1994 |
湿热环境典型机械产品有机涂层 技术条件 |
JB/T 7703-1995 |
热喷涂陶瓷涂层 技术条件 |
JB/T 8320-1996 |
电力半导体器件工艺用涂层石英玻璃管 |
JB/T 8365-1996 |
氮化钛涂层高速钢刀具 技术规范 |
JB/T 8424-1996 |
金属覆盖层和有机涂层 天然海水腐蚀试验方法 |
JB/T 8427-1996 |
钢结构腐蚀防护热喷涂锌、铝及其合金涂层选择与应用导则 |
JB/T 8926-1999 |
火焰喷钼涂层的检验方法 |
JB/T 8927-1999 |
铝及铝合金等离子体增强电化学表面陶瓷化(PECC)膜/有机涂层 |
JC/T 1015-2006 |
环氧树脂地面涂层材料 |
QB/T 1551-1992 |
灯具油漆涂层 |
QB/T 1552-1992 |
照明灯具反射器油漆涂层技术条件 |
QB/T 2002.2-1994 |
皮革五金配件表面喷涂层技术条件 |
QB/T 2899-2007 |
计时仪器 辐射发光涂层检验条件 |
QC/T 484-1999(2005) |
汽车 油漆涂层 |
QC/T 721-2004 |
汽车用锌铝铬涂层 |
SH/T 3540-2007 |
钢制换热设备管束复合涂层施工及验收规范 |
SY/T 0315-2005 |
钢质管道单层熔结环氧粉末外涂层技术规范 |
SY/T 0442-1997(2005) |
钢质管道熔结环氧粉末内涂层技术标准 |
SY/T 0544-2004 |
石油钻杆内涂层技术条件 |
SY/T 4076-1995 |
钢质管道液体涂料内涂层风送挤涂工艺 |
SY/T 4078-1995 |
钢质管道内涂层液体涂料补口机补口工艺 |
SY/T 4107-2005 |
复合防腐涂层各层厚度破坏性测量方法 |
SY/T 4113-2007 |
防腐涂层的耐划伤试验方法 |
SY/T 6530-2002 |
非腐蚀性气体输送用管线管内涂层 |
XB/T 607-2003 |
汽油车排气净化催化剂涂层材料试验方法 |
YB/T 5214-2007 |
抗氧化涂层石墨电极 |
YS/T 431-2000(2005) |
铝及铝合金彩色涂层板、带材 |
YS/T 541-2006 |
金属热喷涂层表面洛氏硬度试验方法 |
YS/T 542-2006 |
热喷涂层抗拉强度的测定 |
YS/T 550-2006 |
金属热喷涂层剪切强度的测定 |
编号 |
中文名称 |
英文名称 |
IEC 60404-12-1992 |
磁性材料 第12部分:层间绝缘涂层的温度能力的评定方法的指南 |
Magnetic materials; part 12: guide to methods of assessment of temperature capability of interlaminar insulation coatings |
IEC 60664-3-2003 |
低压系统内设备的绝缘配合.第3部分:防污染用铸封或压模涂层的使用 |
Insulation coordination for equipment within low-voltage systems - Part 3: Use of coating, potting or moulding for protection against pollution |
IEC 60684-3-300-2002 |
绝缘软管.第3部分:各种型号软管规范.第300篇:无涂层的玻璃纤维编织软管 |
Flexible insulating sleeving - Part 3: Specifications for individual types of sleeving; Sheet 300: Glass textile fibre sleeving, braided, uncoated |
IEC 60684-3-343 to 345-2002 |
绝缘软管.第3部分:各种型号软管规范.第343至345篇:无涂层可扩张编织的乙烯三氟氯乙烯纤维软管 |
Flexible insulating sleeving - Part 3: Specifications for individual types of sleeving; Sheets 343 to 345: Expandable braided ethylene chlorotrifluoroethylene (E-CTFE) textile sleeving, uncoated |
IEC 61249-5-1-1995 |
互连结构用材料 第5部分:有或无涂层的导电箔和薄膜分规范集 第1节:铜箔(用于生产覆铜基材) |
Materials for interconnection structures - Part 5: Sectional specification set for conductive foils and films with and without coatings - Section 1: Copper foils (for the manufacture of copper-clad base materials) |
IEC 61249-5-4-1996 |
互连结构用材料 第5部分:有或无涂层的导电箔和薄膜分规范集 第4节:导电油墨 |
Materials for interconnection structures - Part 5: Sectional specification set for conductive foils and films with or without coatings - Section 4: Conductive inks |
IEC 61249-8-7-1996 |
互连结构用材料 第8部分:非导电薄膜和涂层分规范集 第7节:打印油墨 |
Materials for interconnection structures - Part 8: Sectional specification set for non-conductive films and coatings - Section 7: MaRKing legend inks |
IEC 61249-8-8-1997 |
互连结构用材料 第8部分:非导电薄膜和涂层分规范集 第8节:非永久高聚物涂层 |
Materials for interconnection structures - Part 8: Sectional specification set for non-conductive films and coatings - Section 8: Temporary polymer coatings |
IEC/TR 60344-2007 |
低频电缆和电线未涂层和涂层铜导线的直流电阻计算.应用指南 |
Calculation of d.c. resistance of plain and coated copper conductors of low-frequency cables and wires - Application guide |
ISO 10247 AMD 1-2006 |
传送带.涂层特性.分类.修改件1 |
Conveyor belts - Characteristics of covers - Classification; Amendment 1 |
ISO 105-X10-1993 |
纺织品 色牢度试验 第X10部分:纺织品颜色向聚氯乙烯涂层迁移的评定 |
Textiles; tests for colour fastness; part X10: assessment of migration of textile colours into polyvinyl chloride coatings |
ISO 10684-2004 |
紧固件.热浸镀锌涂层 |
Fasteners - Hot dip galvanized coatings |
ISO 11507-2007 |
色漆和清漆.暴露涂层到人工风化环境.暴露在荧光紫外线灯和水环境 |
Paints and varnishes - Exposure of coatings to artificial weathering - Exposure to fluorescent UV lamps and water |
ISO 11644-1993 |
皮革 涂层粘着牢度测定方法 |
Leather; test for adhesion of finish |
ISO 11950-1995 |
冷轧电镀铬/氧化铬涂层钢板 |
Cold-reduced electrolytic chromium/chromium oxide-coated steel |
ISO 11998-2006 |
色漆和清漆.测定涂层的耐湿性和清洁度 |
Paints and varnishes - Determination of wet-scrub resistance and cleanability of coatings |
ISO 12683-2004 |
机械镀锌涂层.规范和试验方法 |
Mechanically deposited coatings of zinc - Specification and test methods |
ISO 13779-2-2000 |
外科植入物 羟基磷灰石 第2部分:羟基磷灰石覆涂层 |
Implants for surgery - Hydroxyapatite - Part 2: Coatings of hydroxyapatite |
ISO 13779-4-2002 |
外科植入物.羟磷灰石.第4部分:涂层粘结强度的测定 |
Implants for surgery - Hydroxyapatite - Part 4: Determination of coating adhesion strength |
ISO 14373-2006 |
电阻焊接.无涂层和有涂层低碳钢的点焊程序 |
Resistance welding - Procedure for spot welding of uncoated and coated low carbon steels |
ISO 14654-1999 |
钢筋混凝土用环氧树脂涂层钢 |
Epoxy-coated steel for the reinforcement of concrete |
ISO 14655-1999 |
预应力混凝土用环氧树脂涂层钢绞线 |
Epoxy-coated strand for the prestressing of concrete |
ISO 14656-1999 |
钢筋混凝土用环氧树脂涂层钢的环氧树脂粉末和密封材料 |
Epoxy powder and sealing material for the coating of steel for the reinforcement of concrete |
ISO 14788-2005 |
连续热浸镀锌(5%)铝合金涂层钢薄板 |
Continuous hot-dip zinc-5% aluminium alloy coated steel sheet |
ISO 14923-2003 |
热喷涂.热喷涂层的表征和试验 |
Thermal spraying - Characterization and testing of thermally sprayed coatings |
ISO 14924-2005 |
热喷涂.热喷涂层的后处理和加工 |
Thermal spraying - Post-treatment and finishing of thermally sprayed coatings |
ISO 15234-1999 |
色漆和清漆 甲醛涂层和三聚氰胺涂层的试验 小型试验室中甲醛浓度的测定 |
Paints and varnishes - Testing of formaldehyde-emitting coatings and melamine foams - Determination of the steady-state concentration of formaldehyde in a small test chamber |
ISO 15720-2001 |
金属涂层 孔隙率检测 用涂胶块阳极电解法检测基体上金或钯涂层的孔隙率 |
Metallic coatings - Porosity tests - Porosity in gold or palladium coatings on metal substrates by gel-bulk electrography |
ISO 15721-2001 |
金属涂层 孔隙率检测 用硫酸/二氧化硫蒸汽法检测基体上金或钯涂层的孔隙率 |
Metallic coatings - Porosity tests - Porosity in gold or palladium coatings by sulfurous acid/sulfur dioxide vapour |
ISO 15741-2001 |
色漆和清漆 海上和近海的非腐蚀气体钢管内侧的减小摩擦涂层 |
Paints and varnishes - Friction-reduction coatings for the interior of on- and offshore pipelines for non-corrosive gases |
ISO 16053-2004 |
涂料和清漆.外部木材用涂层材料和涂覆系统.自然老化试验 |
Paints and varnishes - Coating materials and coating systems for exterior wood - NatuRAL weathering test |
ISO 16172-2006 |
波纹钢管用连续热浸金属涂层钢板 |
Continuous hot-dip metallic-coated steel sheet for corrugated steel pipe |
ISO 16276-1-2007 |
防护涂料系统对钢结构的腐蚀防护.涂层粘附/粘聚(断裂应力)的评定和验收标准.第1部分:脱落测试 |
Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint systems - Assessment of, and acceptance criteria for, the adhesion/cohesion (fracture strength) of a coating - Part 1: Pull-off testing |
ISO 16276-2-2007 |
防护涂料系统对钢结构的腐蚀防护.涂层粘附/粘聚(断裂应力)的评定和验收标准.第2部分:划格测试和X切割测试 |
Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint systems - Assessment of, and acceptance criteria for, the adhesion/cohesion (fracture strength) of a coating - Part 2: Cross-cut testing and X-cut testing |
ISO 16773-1-2007 |
涂料和清漆.高阻抗涂层样品的电化学阻抗频谱(EIS).第1部分:术语和定义 |
Paints and varnishes - Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) on high-impedance coated specimens - Part 1: Terms and definitions |
ISO 16773-2-2007 |
油漆及清漆.高阻抗涂层试样的电化学阻抗谱(EIS).第2部分:数据采集 |
Paints and varnishes - Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) on high-impedance coated specimens - Part 2: Collection of data |
ISO 16962-2005 |
表面化学分析.用辉光放电光发射光谱测定法分析锌和/或铝基金属涂层 |
Surface chemical analysis - Analysis of zinc- and/or aluminium-based metallic coatings by glow-discharge optical-emission spectrometry |
ISO 17233-2002 |
皮革.物理和机械试验.表面涂层冷裂温度的测定 |
Leather - Physical and mechanical tests - Determination of cold crack temperature of surface coatings |
ISO 17834-2003 |
热喷涂.高温下抗腐蚀耐氧化保护涂层 |
Thermal spraying - Coatings for protection against corrosion and oxidation at elevated temperatures |
ISO 17872-2007 |
色漆和清漆.腐蚀试验用金属板涂层划痕标记导则 |
Paints and varnishes - Guidelines for the introduction of scribe marks through coatings on metallic panels for corrosion testing |
ISO 17925-2004 |
钢上锌和/或铝基涂层.单位面积涂层质量和化学组分的测定.重量分析法、感应耦合等离子体原子辐射光谱测定法 |
Zinc and/or aluminium based coatings on steel - Determination of coating mass per unit area and chemical composition - Gravimetry, inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry and flame atomic absorption spectrometry |
ISO 20502-2005 |
细陶瓷(高级陶瓷、高级工业陶瓷).用划痕试验测定陶瓷涂层的粘附性 |
Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics, advanced technical ceramics) - Determination of adhesion of ceramic coatings by scratch testing |
ISO 20566-2005 |
色漆和清漆.用实验室洗车台测定涂层系统耐划痕性 |
Paints and varnishes - Determination of the scratch resistance of a coating system using a laboratory car-wash |
ISO 20567-1-2005 |
色漆和清漆.涂层的耐石片划性的测定.第1部分:多冲击试验 |
Paints and varnishes - Determination of stone-chip resistance of coatings - Part 1: Multi-impact testing |
ISO 20567-2-2005 |
色漆和清漆.涂层的耐石片划性的测定.第2部分:导向冲击体单冲击试验 |
Paints and varnishes - Determination of stone-chip resistance of coatings - Part 2: Single-impact test with a guided impact body |
ISO 2063-2005 |
热喷镀.金属涂层和其他无机覆层.锌、铝及其合金 |
Thermal spraying - Metallic and other inorganic coatings - Zinc, aluminium and their alloys |
ISO 22168-2006 |
道路车辆.影响光源光色的涂层的保持试验.试验方法 |
Road vehicles - Holding test of coatings influencing the colour of light emitted by light source(s) - Test methods |
ISO 22778-2006 |
金属涂层.在铁和钢表面上物理蒸发镉沉淀涂层.规范和试验方法 |
Metallic coatings - Physical vapour-deposited coatings of cadmium on iron and steel - Specification and test methods |
ISO 22779-2006 |
金属涂层.铝的物理蒸汽沉积涂层法.规范和试验方法 |
Metallic coatings - Physical vapour-deposited coatings of aluminium - Specification and test methods |
ISO 2411-2000 |
橡胶或塑料涂覆织物 涂层粘合强度的测定 |
Rubber- or plastics-coated fabrics - Determination of coating adhesion |
ISO 2810-2004 |
色漆与清漆.涂层的自然风化.暴露和评定 |
Paints and varnishes - Natural weathering of coatings - Exposure and assessment |
ISO 3185-1993 |
航空航天 强度等级小于或等于1100MPa、有涂层或无涂层、金属材料制成、短的或中等长度MJ螺纹、大径杆型的普 |
Aerospace; bolts, normal bihexagonal head, normal shank, short or medium length MJ threads, metallic material, coated or uncoated, strength classes less than or equal to 1100 MPa; dimensions |
ISO 3186-1994 |
航空航天 强度等级1250 MPa~1800 MPa、有涂层或无涂层、金属材料制成的标准柄、短或中等长度MJ螺纹、大径 |
Aerospace - Bolts, large bihexagonal head, normal shank, short or medium length MJ threads, metallic material, coated or uncoated, strength classes 1250 MPa to 1800 MPa - Dimensions |
ISO 3193 Technical Corrigendum 1-1992 |
航空航天 强度等级小于或等于1100 MPa、有涂层或无涂层、金属材料制成、短的或中等长度MJ螺纹、大径杆型普 |
Aerospace; bolts, normal hexagonal head, normal shank, short or medium length MJ threads, metallic material, coated or uncoated, strength classes less than or equal to 1100 MPA; dimensions; technical corrigendum 1 |
ISO 3193-1991 |
航空航天 强度等级小于或等于1100 MPa、有涂层或无涂层、金属材料制成、短的或中等长度MJ螺纹、大径杆型普 |
Aerospace; bolts, normal hexagonal head, normal shank, short or medium length MJ threads, metallic material, coated or uncoated, strength classes less than or equal to 1100 MPa; dimensions |
ISO 3202-1997 |
航空航天 强度等级小于或等于1100 MPa、有涂层或无涂层、金属材料制成、带内偏高扭矩十字槽或不打滑扳动结 |
Aerospace - Screws, pan head, internal offset cruciform ribbed or unribbed drive, threaded to head, MJ threads, metallic material, coated or uncoated, strength classes less than or equal to 1100 MPa - Dimensions |
ISO 3203-1993 |
航空航天.强度等级小于或等于1100MPa、有涂层或无涂层、金属材料制成的标准直径或中径柄、长MJ螺纹、普通双 |
Aerospace; bolts, normal bihexagonal head, normal or pitch diameter shank, long length MJ threads, metallic material, coated or uncoated, strength classes less than or equal to 1100 MPa; dimensions |
ISO 5470-2-2003 |
橡胶或塑料涂层织物.耐磨损性测定.第2部分:马丁代尔研磨器 |
Rubber- or plastics-coated fabrics - Determination of abrasion resistance - Part 2: Martindale abrader |
ISO 5856-1991 |
航空航天 强度等级小于或等于1100 MPa、金属材料制成、有涂层或无涂层、带有中或短长度MJ螺纹、大径杆型及 |
Aerospace; screws, 100 normal countersunk head, internal offset cruciform ribbed drive, normal shank, short or medium length MJ threads, metallic material, coated or uncoated, strength classes less than or equal to 1100 MPa; dimensions |
ISO 6451-1982 |
塑料涂覆织物 聚氯乙烯涂层 熔融快速检验法 |
Plastics coated fabrics; Polyvinyl chloride coatings; Rapid method for checking fusion |
ISO 6452-2007 |
橡胶或塑料涂层织物.汽车内装饰材料雾气凝结特征的测定 |
Rubber- or plastics-coated fabrics - Determination of fogging characteristics of trim materials in the interior of automobiles |
ISO 7590-2001 |
钢丝绳芯输送带 总粗度及涂层厚度测定方法 |
Steel cord conveyor belts - Methods for the determination of total thickness and cover thickness |
ISO 7623-1996 |
钢丝绳芯输送带 绳芯与涂层之间粘合力试验 原始试验和热处理 |
Steel cord conveyor belts - Cord-to-coating bond test - Initial test and after thermal treatment |
ISO 7989-1-2006 |
钢丝和钢丝制品.钢丝的有色金属涂层 |
Steel wire and wire products - Non-ferrous metallic coatings on steel wire - Part 1: General principles |
ISO 7989-2-2007 |
钢丝和钢丝制品.钢丝的有色金属涂层.第2部分:锌或锌合金涂层 |
Steel wire and wire products - Non-ferrous metallic coatings on steel wire - Part 2: Zinc or zinc-alloy coating |
ISO 8078-1984 |
航空航天工艺 铝合金的阳极化处理 无着色涂层的硫酸工艺规程 |
Aerospace process; Anodic treatment of aluminium alloys; Sulfuric acid process, undyed coating |
ISO 8079-1984 |
航空航天工艺 铝合金的阳极化处理 带着色涂层的硫酸工艺规程 |
Aerospace process; Anodic treatment of aluminium alloys; Sulfuric acid process, dyed coating |
ISO 8094-1984 |
钢丝绳芯输送带 绳芯与涂层间粘合强度试验 |
Steel cord conveyor belts; Adhesion strength test of the cover to the core layer |
ISO 8096 Technical Corrigendum 1-2005 |
防水服用橡胶或塑料涂层织物.规范.技术勘误1 |
Rubber- or plastics-coated fabrics for water-resistant clothing - Specification; Technical Corrigendum 1 |
ISO 8179-2-1995 |
球墨铸铁管 外部镀锌 第2部分:终饰层用富锌涂层 |
Ductile iron pipes - External zinc coating - Part 2: Zinc rich paint with finishing layer |
ISO 8501-1-2007 |
涂料和相关产品使用前钢衬底的制备.表面清洁度的目测评估.第1部分:未涂覆钢衬底和彻底清除原有涂层后钢衬底 |
Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products - Visual assessment of surface cleanliness - Part 1: Rust grades and preparation grades of uncoated steel substrates and of steel substrates after overall removal of previous coatings |
ISO 8501-2-1994 |
涂装油漆和有关产品前钢材预处理 表面清洁度的目视评定 第2部分:局部去除原有涂层后钢材的除锈等级 |
Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products - Visual assessment of surface cleanliness - Part 2: Preparation grades of previously coated steel substrates after localized removal of previous coatings |
ISO 8980-4-2006 |
眼科光学.半成品眼镜片.第4部分:防反射涂层的规范和试验方法 |
Ophthalmic optics - Uncut finished spectacle lenses - Part 4: Specifications and test methods for anti-reflective coatings |
ISO 9211-1-1994 |
光学和光学仪器 光学涂层 第1部分:定义 |
Optics and optical instruments - Optical coatings - Part 1: Definitions |
ISO 9211-2-1994 |
光学和光学仪器 光学涂层 第2部分:光学特性 |
Optics and optical instruments - Optical coatings - Part 2: Optical properties |
ISO 9211-3-1994 |
光学和光学仪器 光学涂层 第3部分:环境稳定性 |
Optics and optical instruments - Optical coatings - Part 3: Environmental durability |
ISO 9211-4-2006 |
光学和光学仪器.光学涂层.第4部分:规定的试验方法 |
Optics and optical instruments - Optical coatings - Part 4: Specific test methods |
ISO 9254-1993 |
航空航天.强度等级小于或等于1100MPa、有涂层或无涂层、金属材料制成的标准直径或中径柄、长MJ螺纹、普通在 |
Aerospace; bolts, normal spline head, normal or pitch diameter shank, long length MJ threads, metallic material, coated or uncoated, strength classes less than or equal to 1100 MPa; dimensions |
ISO 9255-1993 |
航空航天.强度等级小于或等于1100MPa、有涂层或无涂层、金属材料制成的标准柄、短或中等长度MJ螺纹、普通在 |
Aerospace; bolts, normal spline head, normal shank, short or medium length MJ threads, metallic material, coated or uncoated, strength classes less than or equal to 1100 MPa; dimensions |
ISO 9256-1993 |
航空航天.强度等级小于或等于1100MPa、有涂层或无涂层、金属材料制成的标准直径或中径柄、长MJ螺纹、大六角 |
Aerospace; bolts, large hexagonal head, normal or pitch diameter shank, long length MJ threads, metallic material, coated or uncoated, strength classes less than or equal to 1100 MPa; dimensions |
ISO 9514-2005 |
色漆和清漆.多组分涂层系统适用期测定.样品的制备和处理以及试验指南 |
Paints and varnishes - Determination of the pot life of multicomponent coating systems - Preparation and conditioning of samples and guidelines for testing |
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