2013-12-29 19:08:12 作者:ICC 来源:ICC 分享至:

  The ICC is glad to announce that funding for the following awards is available:


  Marcel Pourbaix Award


  The Marcel Pourbaix Award for Promotion of International Cooperation recognizes outstanding contributions of corrosion scientists and engineers to international cooperation, to the exclusion of personal or commercial interests. The award winner will receive a certificate to be presented on the occasion of the International Corrosion Congress. No restrictions as to membership in ICC or in other societies apply in order to qualify for the Marcel Pourbaix Award


  Young Researcher Travel Award


  The ICC offers a travel award to a young researcher under 35 years of age to present a paper at the International Corrosion Congress. The award consists of a maximum of 1000 Euro. The award winner will be selected based on the interest of the proposed contribution and the financial needs of the applicants. Preference will generally be given to candidates from developing countries

