Srdjan Nesic——2016第四届国际腐蚀工程大会主会场演讲嘉宾
2016-07-22 17:57:04 作者:本网整理 来源:中国腐蚀与防护网 分享至:

    Localized Corrosion of Mild Steel in a CO2 Aqueous Environments - Causes and Mechanisms

    [abstract] Localized CO2 corrosion is a non-uniform loss of metal from the internal pipe wall which can lead to a loss of containment in oil and gas facilities.  The most common causes have been grouped into four categories, those related to: fluid flow, fluid chemistry, steel metallurgy, and microbiology. Localized CO2 corrosion mechanisms identified here include: loss of protective layer or inhibitor film, galvanic coupling, local water chemistry changes and bio-catalytic effects. It was found that the loss of protective corrosion product layer or inhibitor film is the most common mechanism leading to high (bare steel) corrosion rate. Galvanic coupling between protected and unprotected areas might lead to even higher corrosion rates, often accompanied by local changes of water chemistry which can stabilize localized attack propagation The bio-catalytic effect is a distinct case where the understanding of corrosion mechanisms is still lacking.

    时间:2016年8月9日 10:00-10:30

    报告人:Srdjan Nesic




    Dr. Srdjan Nesic is a Russ Professor of Chemical Engineering at the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at Ohio University in Athens, OH, USA. Since 2002 he also serves as the Director of the Institute for Corrosion and Multiphase Flow Technology at the same university, which is one of the largest research institutions of the kind.

    Dr. Nesic has published extensively in the field of corrosion, including more than 10 articles in books, some of which are reference papers in the best known corrosion handbooks such as: Uhlig's Corrosion Handbook and Shriers's Corrosion, covering acid gas corrosion and erosion corrosion. He is the author of more than 100 peer reviewed journal papers, over 200 conference papers and 50 scientific reports in the field of corrosion. His publications have received over 5000 citations. He is a Fellow of NACE International and serves as the Associate Editor of the NACE's CORROSION journal and the Elsevier's Corrosion Science Journal.

    Dr. Nesic is the recipient of numerous awards and honors such as: the Best Paper award in the CORROSION journal for 2010 and 2015, Uhlig Award from NACE International in 2007 and Bengough award for best paper in the British Corrosion Journal in 1998. His graduate students have won the A.B. Campbell award twice, in 2009 and 2015, for the most outstanding manuscript published in the CORROSION journal presented by young authors. He has chaired many sessions at international conferences and has delivered numerous keynote and plenary lectures. Dr. Nesic has extensively consulted on corrosion issues for the industry.


