*(上海电力学院环境与化学工程学院 上海 200090) +(国际铜业协会上海办事处,上海 200090)
关键词:低温多效;HAl77-2 合金管;海水淡化;耐腐蚀;抗污垢
中图分类号: TG 174.4 文献标识码:A DOI:10.6052/0459-1879-12-345
Corrosion resistance of the pre-oxidized HAl77-2 tube used in low temperature multi-effect distillation desalinization 1)
Zeng Hui-jing*, Gao Frank+, Gao Lixin*, Zhang Daquan*
*(School of Environmental and Chemical Engineering, Shanghai University of Electric Power, Shanghai 200090, China)
+( International Copper Association Shanghai Office, Shanghai 200020,China )
Abstract:The performance of pre-oxidized HAl77-2 tube for seawater desalinization was studied by simulative two-effect distillation corrosion experimental installation. The electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and the potentiodynamic polarization curve method were used to investigate their corrosion resistance property. The surface morphology after simulated corrosion test was examined by the scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results show that the corrosion resistance and the anti-fouling capability of the pre-oxidized HAl77-2 tube are superior to the ordinary bright annealed HAl77-2 tube.
Key words:low temperature multi-effect distillation(LTMED); HAl77-2 alloy tube; seawater desalination; anti-corrosion; anti-fouling
标签: 低温多效, HAl77-2 合金管, 海水淡化, 耐腐蚀, 抗污垢

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