摘要:在工程实际中,疲劳破坏是引起机械系统或构件失效的主要原因之一。疲劳累积损伤理论对疲劳寿命估计十分重要。本文提出一种新的分类方式,见表1,根据疲劳累积损伤理论的三要素损伤定义、损伤累积方式和损伤临界值,撇开物质观和方法论,将主要的线性累积疲劳损伤理论分为四类;(1) 线性等损伤疲劳累积损伤理论;(2) 线性变损伤累积理论;(3) 线性等损伤分阶段疲劳累积损伤理论;对每类理论分别从理论基础、材料常数、引入的参量等方面进行分析,归纳出主要模型。
损伤定义 | 累加方式 | 损伤临界值 | ||
物质观 | 方法论 | 时序性 | ||
宏观 | 确定性 | 等损伤 | 线性 | =1 |
微观 | 不确定性 | 变损伤 | 非线性 | ≠1 |
(Key Laboratory of Fundamental Science for National Defense-Advanced Design Technology of Flight Vehicle, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Nanjing, 210016, China)
In this thesis, a new classification method was introduced (see table 1)。 According to the three elements of cumulative fatigue damage theory: damagedefinition, cumulative way and damage critical value,the linear fatigue accumulative damage theories for metal materials were divided into the following three categories: (1) linear cumulative damage theories of Invariable damage; (2) linear cumulative damage theories of variable damage; (3)periodicallinear cumulative damage theories of Invariable damage; In this paper, the above three categories were reviewed respectively in aspects of theoretical basises, material constants, parameters introduced, etc. and major typical models were listed.

Besides, several sets of variable loading tests ofmetal materials under two-level spectrum, multiple-level spectrum and random spectrum were used to verify the major typical models. The life prediction accuracy rates of the above mayor typical models under different loading spectrum were listed. Finally, the applicable scopes and application effects of the above four kinds of accumulative damage rules were compared and discussed according to theoretical basisand the accuracy rate for the choices of engineeringapplication. Conclusions are as follows:
(1)In linear theories of Invariable damage, under random spectrum, the damage critical value of Miner Model is closest to 1 and thefatigue life prediction accuracy rate is superior to other models; under spectrums with specific patterns, thefatigue life prediction accuracy rate of Relative Miner Model is superior and the deviation of Miner model is up to 10.
(2)Periodical linear cumulative damage theories of Invariable damageincludeperiodical characteristics of the damage development. Manson's double linear model considering effects ofloading sequenceis relatively simple; although it is still not complete, this model is widely used in practical projects.
(3)In linear cumulative damage theories of variable damage, fatigue life prediction of Corten-Dolan Model is most widely used in practical projects; power-exponent function model is convenient to use and accuracy rate is close to Corten-Dolan Model; models based on S-N curve modification, continuum damage mechanic models and models based on energy have major defects such as fuzzy parameterdefinitions, complicated calculations and narrow applicable scopes, etc
(4)According to life prediction using experimental data ,several concludes are made. (a) Under two-level spectrums the prediction accuracy of Manson's double linear model is best and the formula is simple and has no extra parameter. When high stress influence is obvious, Corten-Dolan Model is more applicable but the parameter d needs more consideration under different materials . (b) Under multiple-level spectrums, Manson's model is more complex than Miner model and Corten-Dolan model and Miner model has the simplest fomula. Besides Miner model's prediction accuracy is the same as Manson's model and Corten-Dolan model. (c) Under random spectrums, Miner model with the advantage of simple formula and higher life prediction accuracy ratesis more suitable than Manson's model and Corten-Dolan model. BesidesManson model and Corten-Dolan modelcan nothandle the situation that the load spectrum peak values and the order of the spectrums are random in practical engineering structures.
Key words:Fatigue cumulative damage, Loadspectrum, Fatigue life prediction
投稿联系:刘娟 电话:010-82387968-807
QQ: 2850329508 邮箱:liujuan@ecorr.org
中国腐蚀与防护网官方 QQ群:140808414

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