Wang Cheng,Wang Xiaogui,Gao Zengliang
Zhejiang university of technology,college of mechanical engineering,Hangzhou 310014
Abstract:Laser shock peening(LSP) is a new kind of surface treatment technology and has a broad application prospect in aviation, spaceflight and national defense equipment, etc. A model based on the experiments of LSP with impacting one point for many times is simulated. In order to reflect the stress-strain of OFHC copper accurately under the high strain rate, G-Z model based on the microstructural evolution during deformation is adopted as the constitutive equation of the target. In order to reflect the high-speed, instantaneous dynamic process of LSP well, a reasonable load model is developed to simulate the laser pulse pressure. The constitutive equation and the load model are inputted into the finite element model for numerical calculation by the user subroutine of Abaqus/Explicit. The surface topography and residual stress fields of the target are investigated quantitatively. Depths of the modeling dimples are consistent with the experiment results under the different laser power densities. Residual stress fields tend towards stability with the laser power density and impacting numbers increasing. Compared the modeling depths of dimples and the corresponding experiment values, it could be found that the variation of the laser spot diameter not only affects the laser power density, but also has an effect on the laser pressure pulse duration.
Keyword:laser shot peening(LSP),high strain rate,surface topography,residual stress,GZ-constitutive model
投稿联系:刘娟 电话:010-82387968-807
QQ: 2850329508 邮箱:liujuan@ecorr.org
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