Npj Comput. Mater.: 钛合金的力学秘密—双相结构如何成就卓越性能?
2024-05-31 14:44:25 作者:知社学术圈 来源:知社学术圈 分享至:




Fig. 1 Temperature dependences of the lattice constants and free energies of bulk α and β phases.


Fig. 2 Schematic of the model for simulating coherent α/β interfaces.

由香港城市大学材料科学与工程系的Jian Han教授领导的团队,采用分子动力学、热力学积分以及经过密度泛函理论(DFT)训练的深度学习势模型,深入探讨了钛材料中α/β界面(即和))的结构和热力学特性。研究首先集中于分析钛的相干α/β界面的热力学性质,并考察其如何受到应变和温度的影响。随后,团队对半相干界面的结构和属性进行了细致审查,并将这些发现用于理解β基体中α析出相的成核及生长过程,也就是从高温状态开始的冷却过程。

Fig. 3 Semicoherent interface structure.


Fig. 4 Disconnection lines in a semicoherent interface.

此项研究不仅为准确预测界面属性和运动提供了指导,还为理解和预测包括在低温下不稳定的相和相干性丧失情况下的析出行为提供了实用的参考。该文近期发表于npj Computational Materials 9:216 (2023)英文标题与摘要如下,点击左下角“阅读原文”可以自由获取论文PDF。



Coherent and semicoherent α/β interfaces in titanium: structure, thermodynamics, migration


Siqi Wang, Tongqi Wen, Jian Han & David J. Srolovitz 


The α/β interface is central to the microstructure and mechanical properties of titanium alloys. We investigate the structure, thermodynamics and migration of the coherent and semicoherent Ti α/β interfaces as a function of temperature and misfit strain via molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, thermodynamic integration and an accurate, DFT-trained Deep Potential. The structure of an equilibrium semicoherent interface consists of an array of steps, an array of misfit dislocations, and coherent terraces. Analysis determines the dislocation and step (disconnection) array structure and habit plane. The MD simulations show the detailed interface morphology dictated by intersecting disconnection arrays. The steps are shown to facilitate α/β interface migration, while the misfit dislocations lead to interface drag; the drag mechanism is different depending on the direction of interface migration. These results are used to predict the nature of α phase nucleation on cooling through the α-β phase transition. 



