Npj Comput. Mater.: 相场模拟—从微观到宏观地理解和设计合金
2023-09-06 14:24:58 作者:知社学术圈 来源:知社学术圈 分享至:




Fig. 1 Commonly used microstructure modeling approaches and some cases.


Fig. 2 Integrated computational phase-field theory framework.



Fig. 3 Microstructure morphology of as-cast HEAs of Al and transition metals (Al-TM) HEAs.


Fig. 4 Comparison of dendrite morphology between simulation and experiment.


该文近期发表于npj Computational Materials 9: 94 (2023)英文标题与摘要如下


Understanding and design of metallic alloys guided by phase-field simulations


Yuhong Zhao 


Phase-field method (PFM) has become a mainstream computational method for predicting the evolution of nano and mesoscopic microstructures and properties during materials processes. The paper briefly reviews latest progresses in applying PFM to understanding the thermodynamic driving forces and mechanisms underlying microstructure evolution in metallic materials and related processes, including casting, aging, deformation, additive manufacturing, and defects, etc. Focus on designing alloys by integrating PFM with constitutive relations and machine learning. Several examples are presented to demonstrate the potential of integrated PFM in discovering new multi-scale phenomena and high-performance alloys. The article ends with prospects for promising research directions.

