研究结果显示,所有合金的基体均为亚稳态的有序固溶体相,其中只有Zn含量提高到11.6%时才有细小的第二相析出(室温下Zn在Fe中的溶解度小于2%)。层状Fe-Zn合金的屈服强度超过350MPa,延伸率超过20%,并且通过浸泡测试所得的腐蚀速率高达0.367mm/y。不仅如此,层状设计还解决了Fe基材料的局部腐蚀问题。在随后的血液相容性和细胞相容性测试中,低Zn含量的单层和多层Fe-Zn合金均表现出良好的生物相容性。该研究以“The enhancement of mechanical properties and uniform degradation of electrodeposited Fe-Zn alloys by multilayered design for biodegradable stent applications”为题发表在生物材料领域的权威期刊《Acta Biomaterialia》上。
Fig. 1. (a) XRD patterns of the electrodeposited Fe-Zn alloys and the magnification of diffraction peak of (110). (b) Schematic diagram of the microstructure of multilayered alloy. (c) The microstructure of Fe-Zn alloys with monolayered structure and multilayered structure and the enlarged view of areas ⅰ and ⅱ of multilayered alloys.
Fig. 2. The TEM analysis of Fe-Zn alloys.
Fig. 3. Tensile properties of Fe-Zn alloys. (a)The tensile curves. (b)Fracture morphologies observed by SEM.
Fig. 4. Corrosion assessment of the Fe-Zn alloys. (a) Potentiodynamic polarization curves. (b) The corrosion rate measured by the weight-loss method after immersion test. (c and d) XPS spectra of Fe-11.6Zn alloy after immersion.
Fig. 5. The corrosion morphologies of Fe-Zn alloys. (a) Cross-section morphologies of Fe-Zn alloys after immersion test for 7, 28, 56 d. (b) Surface morphologies of Fe-4.6Zn and layered Fe-4.6Zn after immersion test for 56 d.
Fig. 6. Schematic diagram of corrosion mechanism of monolayered (a, b) and multilayered Fe-Zn alloys (c, d) at the initial (a, c) and later (b, d) stages of immersion test.
Fig. 7. Cytotoxicity assessment of HUVECs on the surfaces and in the extracts of the Fe-Zn alloys.
Fig. 8. Blood compatibility tests on the Fe-Zn alloys (316L stainless steel as control). (a) Hemolysis rates of stainless steel and Fe-Zn alloys. (b) The whole blood clotting on different surfaces for up to 90 min. (c) The adhesion morphology of platelets on Fe-Zn alloys.

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