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Steel corrosion causes $17M in unexpected costs at Civi...

Heavily corroded steel uncovered in the Civic Centre is estimated to cost $17 million to fix and city taxpayers could be on the hook.>>详细

Welcome to NACE MR0175/ISO 15156 One-Day Seminar.Petroleum and natural gas industries—Materials for use in H2S-containing environments in oil and gas production.>>详细

Atomically thin sheets of hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) have the handy benefit of protecting what’s underneath from oxidizing even at very high temperatures, Rice University resear...>>详细

On Monday, August 19, Houston-based NACE International will host Congressman Pete Olson for a tour of its training facilities and labs, and a visit with staff members. Corrosion cont...>>详细

Contaminated industrial plants cost billions every year in Germany alone. Special coatings can prevent the build-up of contaminants. Researchers are now able to adapt ultra-thin coat...>>详细

This will be the fifth seminar in this field organized by Swerea KIMAB since the start 2000. The previous seminars were all a great success with more than 70 participants from all ov...>>详细

Pierre Crevolin was selected as the recipient of the 2013 Founders Award for his long and distinguished history of commitment to the NACE Foundation.>>详细

The prize on SEK 30 000 has been allocated Gunnar Bergman, Senior Scientific Advisor in the Polymeric Group at Swerea KIMAB at the inauguration dinner October 23.>>详细

Sustainable Chemical Metallurgy, 3.038, is a new Course 3 undergraduate restricted elective to be offered (Spring 2013).>>详细

Swerea KIMAB has invested in a new advanced climatic chamber from ControlArt. The chamber has been calibrated and tested and is now working suffi ciently. We are now well equipped an...>>详细

Mr. Wilson served on the Board of Directors for the NACE Foundation from 2008 to 2011. During his tenure, he chaired the Development Committee and was active in the fundraising efforts.>>详细

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